Up Coming Events
September 10th – Chapter Meeting, 2:00 P.M.
September 15 & 16th – Zenith Homecoming Open Hangers Day & Flyin
October 7th – EAA 944 Flyin – Young Eagle Flights – Pancake Breakfast
October 15th – Chapter Meeting, 2:00 P.M.
Greetings Members, Family and Friends of EAA Chapter 944, July was a fun filled month for some of our chapter members and families who attended and volunteered at AirVenture in Oshkosh. The stories and experiences that were shared at the August meeting sounded exciting. The meal served by the chapter at the event was a big success with over 600 meals served, a big shout out goes to the members that helped.
At the August meeting the discussion focused on the upcoming opportunities for young people in the community to attend the various programs that are presented at AirVenture 2024. There are programs for youth ages 11 to 13 years old, 14 to 15 years old and 16 to 18 years old and our chapter will provide some limited scholarships for those that are interested. Please check back later for more details as they become available. According to those that went to the July event EAA is a great proponent of STEM projects and we are trying to get these programs started for our area youth. In September the Chapter will be providing Breakfast and Lunch on the 15th and 16th of September at the Zenith Aircraft Showcase located at the Mexico Memorial Airport in Mexico, MO, hope to see you there. The Annual Chapter EAA 944 Flyin, Breakfast and Young Eagle Event will be October 7, 2023 at the Chillicothe Municipal Airport. Young people ages 8 to 17 will get the opportunity to take a flight around the airport free of charge. This is one of the most fun events put on by the Chapter. Online registration will open soon so please check back soon for the dates. We will be serving pancakes, sausage, coffee and juice (and it will be yummy as usual).
Thank You
1. President King call the meeting to order with 21 members and guests present.
2. Lucien Pelletier was presented with an EAA 944 apron for his participation at Zenith Open Hanger days at Mexico.
3. Cliff introduced Laura O’Donnell who is an Aviation Insurance Specialist with the Marsh McLennan Agency. Laura gave a report on the state of aviation insurance in the State of Missouri. She first talked abut Missouri’s Legislative House Bill 655. This bill is an Omnibus bill containing a variety of insurance related legislation including our aircraft insurance changes. Our language started in HB1019 as a stand-alone bill, but HB655 is the important one now. HB 655 bill made it through the insurance committee this week with a “Do Pass” recommendation. Senate Bill 578 is the other half of the equation and basically states that aircraft casualty policies for business or personal will be considered commercial casualty insurance. This bill has yet to be assigned to a committee. Laura urged for members to contact their State Representative ASAP to let them know you need their support on HB655
4. Cliff mentioned that we will be hosting a FAA safety meeting at our clubhouse on Thursday, April 13th at 6:30 P.M.
5. Cliff said that he understands that Chapter 944 has received the Rays Scholarship. but he is not sure of it’s total amount yet. The Chapter selected Hudson Corzette as the scholarship recipient at it’s March meeting. Hudson is to complete the application and submit it to EAA for final approval.
6. Cliff said that our 2023 Taxes have been taken care of. He said that he had also renewed our Fictitious Name with the Missouri Secretary of State. This was setup back in 2018 because of our license plate sales. The renewal fee was $7.00 and is good for five years.
7. Tim ask if the Chapter was interested in applying for serving breakfast at AirVenture in July. Cliff said the the group from Kansas will also apply. Chapter 944 members voted yes to apply again this year.
8. Tim also asked if we were interested in serving breakfast and lunch at Zenith Open Hanger Days on Oct. 15th and 16th again this year. The Chapter voted Yes.
9. Cliff said that he had submitted some bill to Cathie, for the postcard that he had sent out this spring.
10. Cliff asked member if we were interested in holding a Learn To Fly To program on May 20th. This would correspond with EAA’s Learn To Fly day. We might also have Young Eagle Flights at the same time. After some discussion, it was decided that if we can get enough pilots, we would try to hold both of them at the above date. Cliff said that he would get the ball rolling .
11. Jessica asked if the chapter would be interested in using our Young Eagle Credits to purchase some barriers to be used at the Young Eagles registration area. She will collect some additional information and present it at the next meeting.
12. Next, David Link ask membership to contact the Representative about House Joint Resolution 37. this proposes a constitutional amendment modifying provisions relating to revenue derived from highway users that is deposited into the state road
fund. This resolution would take the State of Missouri transportation funding away from the the Department of Transportation and give it to the House of Representatives. David said that this would effect Airports, Highways, and Waterways in the state. He also said that since the House can not fund multi-year projects. this would create a lot of problem for large projects that the State of Missouri does quite often. David urged that while contacting our Representatives about HB655 we also let them know that we are not in favor of this constitutional amendment.
14. Landon submitted his Learn To Fly bills to Cathie and gave a report on how his flight training is going.
15 There was discussion about the meeting date for May meeting. It was decided that since many High Schools in the area have graduation on that weekend, we will move back our May meeting date to Friday, May 5th, at 6:00 P.M.. Additional information will be coming soon.
16. Cliff said that the June meeting will most likely be held at Lake Viking as it was last year. Additional information will be coming soon.
17. Cliff said that Tim, Don and himself would be attending EAA’s Chapter Leaders Conference in Omaha on April 14th.
18. Don said that on last Friday, we sold plate number 279.That was the 25th plate we’ve sold since the first of the year.
19. With no further business, a motion was made and approved to adjourn at 4:00 P.M.
February 5th. 2023
January 8th,2023
President King called the meeting to order with 13 members present.
Cliff reminded everyone that Tim Robinson is now our Chapter VP.. He is replacing Phil Wise. Phil take over the Young Eagles Coordinator as well as Chairman of the Chapter 944 Board and will also work on the Ray's Scholarship.
Cliff said that we have received our check from Kitplane for serving breadbasket at Zenith Homecoming last September.
Our EAA chapter renewal has been submitted.
We did not receive any applications for the Advanced Air Academy this year. There was discussion on things we might do to get the Advanced Air Academy word out next year. We talked about setting up a booth at the Livingston County Fair this year. We also decided to start taking application the first August this year.
Cliff said that EAA membership (national) will be $48 starting this year.
Next, Cliff started working on the Chapter Calendar for this year. Additional items will be added shortly: